You can trust Conspiracy Cosmetics to provide:
vegan & natural ingredients
small batch quality
low waste and recycled packaging
caring & friendly customer service
community that encourages authenticty

The founder of Conspiracy Cosmetics is Olive Butler, a 19-year-old entrepreneur. She began making her own makeup in 2015 so that she could have access to makeup products that fit within her values. Since then, she has expanded and grown her skills to a point where she is ready to share her products with others.
"I have spent a lot of time researching ingredients and products and developing my formulations. This experience has allowed me to create products that I know will deliver for customers both through quality and ethical impact."
"I have spent a lot of time researching ingredients and products and developing my formulations. This experience has allowed me to create products that I know will deliver for customers both through quality and ethical impact."
Olive Butler
Founder of Conspiracy Cosmetics